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Andersen FGD - Bug Pile - Barb Spacer - Retractable Insect Screen - Unit No. PD80

Part Number: 2562340 Price: $9.77
Andersen Frenchwood Gliding Doors - Bug Pile - Barb Spacer - Retractable Insect Screen - Unit No. PD80

Color = Grey pile
Kerf depth 1/4" 
Pile height 5/16"
Length  72"


Andersen Frenchwood Gliding Doors - Bug Pile - Barb Spacer - Retractable Insect Screen - Unit No. PD80<br><br>Color = Grey pile<br>Kerf depth 1/4"&nbsp;<br>Pile height 5/16"<br>Length&nbsp; 72"<p>&nbsp;</p>