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Dirigent inside handle, low profile without spindle - Dark Bronze

Part Number: 6-28101-00-0-PRDBRZ Price: $35.99

Dirigent inside folding doors handle, low profile without spindle  

Spindle: NO, Spindle length is determined by door thickness
Handle Spindle Hub: 1/4 inch Square (7mm)
Handle Color: f/f dark brown

Spindle Options
9-26874-56     SQUARE SPINDLE 1/4 x 4.64 inches  (7mmx118mm) 
9-26874-69     SQUARE SPINDLE 1/4 x 5.15 inches  (7mmx131mm) 
9-26874-81    SQUARE SPINDLE 1/4 x 5.63 inches  (7mmx143mm)

Dirigent inside handle, low profile without spindle - f/f dark brown