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Inswing Bottom Sweep for Active Door - Brown, nail-on - Discontinued

Part Number:840045
Please note, this product has been discontinued.
Discontinued - Replace with 840038 or 840007

Weathershield V-5032 Door Bottom / Sweep, Nail On
Used on: Lee Haven doors, Clar-Vu doors, and Signature Inswing doors with the low profile sill
Fits: active door panel for inswing or outswing doors
Standard Length: 36 inches for inswing active door
Optional Lengths: 37-7/8 for Stationary inswing door
Length of fins: (from left to right) first two 1/2 inches, 9/16 inches, 11/16 inches
Width: 2-1/16 inches
Color: Black - Ridge white vinyl with black fins.
Material: Ridge Hard Plastic - Best cut with circular saw
Note: The inactive / Passive door panel sweep has square holes for the astragal flush bolt.
The old style had holes pre-cut; the new style does not have a hole and will have to be drilled as needed when installed.

This also replaces the old style 840040 with wood strip

Video: How to Replace Staple-On Door Bottoms
Guide to Replacing Door Sweeps/Bottoms
Video: How to Replace Door Sweeps