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Marvin Clad Glazing Bead V535 150" PC VINYL -3/4" IG
Part Number: Price: $55.83 to $58.93Marvin Clad Glazing Bead CDH, CSH, CDHTP, CBU
Product: Vinyl Glazing Bead
Profile: V535
Application: Aluminum Clad Windows
Glass: 3/4 inch Insulated
Color: 5 Assorted colors
Length: 150 inch - Cut in 1/2 for shipping - You will get 2 pieces that equal 150 inches
This is shipped United States Postal Service ( USPS) Only
United Parcel Service (UPS ) has a $ 15 up charge on packages over 48 inches
If you want this shipped UPS there is a $15.00 up-charge in addition to normal UPS shipping charge of $ 15.00. Shipping will cost $30 total
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