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Andersen Passive 2-point Shootbolt Lock, 92-1/2 inch, 8-0 Frenchwood Door

Part Number:2579779 Price: $219.42
Andersen passive multipoint lock for Inswing or Outswing 8 foot Frenchwood hinged patio doors manufactured March 2003 to present.
Has upper and lower lock box for locking hooks.
Overall Length: 92-1/2 Inches.
Faceplate Width: 7/8 Inch.
Finish: Stainless Steel

Andersen passive stainless steel multipoint locks can only be replaced with the stainless steel model.
This can not be used to replace the zinc dichromate (gold colored) passive lock.

Article: How to Change Handing of Andersen Multipoint Locks
Manufacturer's Guide: How to Replace an a Multipoint Lock in an Andersen Door

Rehanding an Andersen Multipoint Lock
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