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Peachtree Ariel 25-1/4-5 Channel Balance, 4260 Non-Tilt Window
Part Number: Price: $15.88Peachtree Ariel window special channel balance.
Used ONLY on non-tilt Peachtree Ariel windows with an aluminum outside and a wood inside.
The Width & Height of the window is the call size.
D4260 was 42 inches wide and 60 inches tall.
Stamped Number: Please double check all measurements and insure your old balance has this number stamped on it. (see images)
Number stamped on balance indicates unit size and weight.
Number stamped on this balance: 25-1/4-5
The Channel Balance Length is 1 inch more than the number stamped on balance.
Channel Balance Length: 26-1/4 inch
Weight Capacity: 26 to 31 pounds
Peachtree Call Size: D4260
Priced and sold each.
Other Peachtree Ariel Windows: 42" Width
D4248 (tempered glass)
D4266 (cottage window)
Peachtree Ariel Single Hung windows have been discontinued,
Some balances may not be available.
Best if replaced in pairs,
Old balances can be reused as a pair, but it is unsafe to mix old balances with new ones.
Channel balance is screwed to window and plastic end on cord goes into frame.
Sash needs to be removed to replace channel balance.
See Instructions here.
Used ONLY on non-tilt Peachtree Ariel windows with an aluminum outside and a wood inside.
The Width & Height of the window is the call size.
D4260 was 42 inches wide and 60 inches tall.
Stamped Number: Please double check all measurements and insure your old balance has this number stamped on it. (see images)
Number stamped on balance indicates unit size and weight.
Number stamped on this balance: 25-1/4-5
The Channel Balance Length is 1 inch more than the number stamped on balance.
Channel Balance Length: 26-1/4 inch
Weight Capacity: 26 to 31 pounds
Peachtree Call Size: D4260
Priced and sold each.
Other Peachtree Ariel Windows: 42" Width
D4248 (tempered glass)
D4266 (cottage window)
Peachtree Ariel Single Hung windows have been discontinued,
Some balances may not be available.
Best if replaced in pairs,
Old balances can be reused as a pair, but it is unsafe to mix old balances with new ones.
Channel balance is screwed to window and plastic end on cord goes into frame.
Sash needs to be removed to replace channel balance.
See Instructions here.
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