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Andersen Perma-Shield Narrowline Glazing Bead, 3/8 glass Lower Rails - White
Part Number: Price: $32.85Glazing bead for upper rails and sides on Andersen Pera-Shield Narrowline, Non-Tilt Double Hung window with 3/8 inch Insulated glass. This window uses an overhead balance with strings attached to each side of the sliding window sash.
Narrowline Service Dates: 1968 - 2012; Different Years, used different beads
Application: Top Sash, lower check rail OR bottom sash, lower rail
Glazing Bead - 3/8˝ Insulated glass upper check and lower rail (1980 to 1991)
Length: 41-13/32 May be cut to size for units smaller than 38 sash width
Material: Rigid Vinyl
Color: White
Note 1:
The glazing bead is different on sides, top of each sash, bottoms of each sash
Note 2:
Two used per unit. Use on Dual Pane (XI) organic glass with metal spacer or High Performance™ glass with metal spacer.
Andersen Narrowline Glazing Beads - Bottom only
May be order from factory to length, sizes shown below
Unit Size Part #
18 17-13/32 1650602
20 21-13/32 1650604
24 25-13/32 1650606
28 29-13/32 1650608
30 33-13/32 1650610
34 37-13/32 1650612
38 41-13/32 1650614